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New app 'Gin Rummy Online GC' for Windows 8 & higher. Rate it to receive 2 Tickets!

New app 'Gin Rummy Online GC' for Windows 8 & higher. Rate it to receive 2 Tickets!
Posted by webmaster (moderator) Oct 29 2014 2:19PM

In cooperation with BPS Software, GameColony has released a <A target=_blank href=/windows/gin_rummy_online.shtml>Gin Rummy Online GC</a> -- a multiplayer gin rummy app that can be installed on any Windows PC or tablet supporting Microsoft Windows 8 or higher version of Microsoft Windows. Backgammon Online GC is available from Microsoft <A target=_blank href=>Windows Store</a> All that you need to do to get 2 $Tickets is to rate & write a short review in Microsoft <a target=_blank &lt;A target=_blank href=>Windows Store</a> and then let us know via Contact Us Same 2 Ticket deal for <a href=/windows/backgammon_online.shtml>Backgammon Online GC</a>

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